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About Me

I hold a Ph.D.  in ecology and are mainly interested in how climate change are affecting the ecosystems. I mainly work in arctic and alpine areas where my focus for the past  years has been herbivore-plant interactions. I also have a strong interest in predator ecology with main focus on wolf biology.

Taking a break from work


What a job!

The science of ecology is all about trying to understand the abundance and distribution of organisms. To achieve a higher level of knowledge it is imperative to spend time out in the wild to get a closer look at how your study systems work for real. I spend a lot of time out in arctic and alpine areas to get first hand experience and knowledge about how my research systems work.


Here's a list of my favorite activities:
Rock climbing
Outdoor recreation

Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

A River Runs Through It
Lord Of The Rings
Star Wars
Billy Elliot
Så som i himmelen

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:
Pretty much everything. Depends on my mood.